Landlords must adapt to retain tenants in post-covid world
The last 12 months has changed occupier attitudes to “the office” and the pandemic has hastened the demand for technology that provides touch-free access to buildings.
Stewart Taylor, senior director, CBRE, said that, for example, occupiers now think that technology that allows lighting to be changed by using a smart phone is important whereas a year ago they asked if it was really necessary.
Speaking to Real Asset Media’s Richard Betts he explained that one challenge is convincing landlords that such technology is necessary and that they will see a return on their investment.
“Another consequence of what has happened over the last 12 months is we are going to see an the increasing move to shorter leases,” he said. “Tenants want to commit for less time and want to be more flexible.”
“That flexibility is going to be here to stay, so landlords are going to have to work harder to retain tenants.”
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