Technical developments give elevators added dimension
It is possible to take the increasingly less humble elevator for granted but its existence has unlocked cities’ ability to create tall buildings and it is also an essential tool of inclusivity and the ESG agenda.
It is also under continual development as Maciej Kranz, CTO of Kone explained.
The company has recently introduced what it calls a DX class elevator which is connected and users can interact with it using application programming interfaces (APIs) so could be connected for the purposes of a robotic grocery delivery, for instance.
Another application of such connectivity is remote monitoring and management of elevators and escalators and the anticipation of servicing needs.
Connectivity also enables greater inclusivity. “Roughly a billion people around the globe have some sort of disability,” he told Real Asset Insight’s Richard Betts. “Around 1.7 billion people are blind or visually impaired and roughly 10% to 20% of working population in Europe have some sort of disability, so in this context making sure that everybody, including people with disabilities, can move around buildings with smiles on their faces is important,” Kranz added.
Click on the video above to watch the full interview or listen to the podcast below.