Realcast: Senior living UK-style, France rebounds, Blackstone buys into Facebook Dublin HQ
In the spotlight this week:
Real Asset Media’s UK Senior Living Report Launch reveals a very different market to France and Germany with considerable underprovision and a preference for the sale model rather than rental homes.
Real Asset Media’s European Outlook 2022: Focus on France shows how the country and its real estate markets have bounced back after a tough pandemic and deep recession.
Meanwhile, microliving brand Youniq extends its concept, investor Nuveen buys another self storage platform in Sweden and investment and asset manager KGAL’s Impact Fund ESPF 5 hit first close at over 50% of its total equity target.
ARA Dunedin completes the purchase of InfraRed Capital to create a broader based £12 billion asset management platform, Blackstone buys into Facebook’s Dublin HQ and the sale of the UK’s Boots Pharmacy is mooted with a potential price of £10 billion after the pandemic has boosted sales.
For all this and more, click on the video to watch the full interview or listen to the podcast below.