Real estate needs coordinated approach to decarbonisation
One of the big themes likely to dominate in 2022 is decarbonisation according to ULI’s CEO Lisette van Doorn.
She said that while views are mixed on how successful November’s COP26 convention was, it at least put the spotlight on the built environment and its role in the debate.
But she said, “with less than a year to go until COP27 the industry feels we need to do something now. Obviously there’s already a lot happening, but it’s quite scattered and not very coordinated.”
The reason is partly the lack of regulation and lack of a single standard but van Doorn said that it is important for the industry to come together act in a more coordinated way.
“We’ve talked about it a lot, targets have been set, but now it’s time to act and I think that is almost the biggest change overall,” she said in conversation with Real Asset Insight’s Richard Betts.
To bring focus on the topic, the ULI has begun a new Fast Track to Decarbonisation initiative in collaboration with industry leaders including Hines, Schroders, Catella, Redevco, Arup and Allianz.
The initiative will focus on what are the biggest hurdles but also on what initiatives are underway so that duplication can be avoided.
ULI Europe’s annual conference which is scheduled to take place 11 to 13 May will address many of the major issues including social change and what can be expected after the pandemic.
Another issue that it will raise is digitalisation. “Is that wave of proptech that we’re seeing really helping the industry to innovate, to digitalise, or are there other, better ways?” she asks.
“It’s about the future of real estate, based on macroeconomic outlook, geopolitical outlook and of course, that social change. How will the industry change?” she said.
Click on the video to watch the full interview or listen to the podcast below.