Macro trends put Poland in pole position for investors

Macro trends are currently proving beneficial for Poland and its real estate market. The country’s strategic location, its stable and growing economy and its status as one of Europe’s key markets make the country a promising target for investment.

“I just have seen new statistics which show that Poland was second after China in terms of per capita GDP growth from 1990 to 2019. The strength of Poland is actually quite visible right now with growing exports, even amid the pandemic, and investment which is coming into Poland from different regions,” said Skanska’s head of divestments Adrian Karczewicz.

Speaking to Real Asset Insight’s Richard Betts, Karczewicz pointed out that Poland now has the lowest unemployment rate in Europe and one of its key attractions is a cost-competitive labour force.

As well as basic production and manufacturing there is huge demand for technologically advanced solutions and innovative solutions, he said. But Poland is also benefitting from the reinvigoration of the business services sector by recent changes, including the pandemic.

Employment in the sector is growing at an annual rate of 10% and the sector is likely to attract more investment to CEE and Poland.

The political climate and potential threats to supply chains are also fuelling demand for near-shoring in Poland, he said.

Click on the video above to watch the full interview or listen to the podcast below.
