Improving social mobility one way to approach ESG policy

Nordic asset and property manager DEAS Group has focused on the social aspects of ESG and, with a group of partner firms, has established a non-profit foundation to improve social mobility among young Danish people.

“Even in a country like Denmark, where the healthcare system and social system is so strong, there are people falling through the cracks,” said DEAS Group CEO Rikke Lykke.

“We have equal rights, but not equal opportunity to utilise those rights,” she added.

Lykke explained to Real Asset Insight’s Richard Betts that the new foundation will focus on assisting and aiding different kind of social initiatives for helping children and young people in need in Denmark.

She said that while giving money is actually fairly easy, “the more humane” thing to do is provide mentors and introduce young people to trainee programs which help them see a different aspect of the world, provide help with trainee programmes and even housing in order to help them break through social barriers.
