Glasgow sets the temperature ahead of Cop 26 climate talks
The United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 26, is due to be held in UK city Glasgow in November and the city is keen to be seen as an exemplar of what can be achieved from a difficult starting point.
“It’s almost saying, if we can do this in Glasgow, in terms of driving forward our ambitions for net zero by 2030, then really anywhere can do it, nowhere has any excuse,” said councillor Susan Aitken, leader of Glasgow City Council.
Talking to Real Asset Insight’s Richard Betts she explained that Glasgow’s particular physical and environmental challenges are considerable barriers to be overcome, but those barriers have become “drivers of innovation”.
“They also provide opportunities for people to think bigger and provide us with the biggest gains,” she added.
Aitken said that climate justice and social justice go hand in hand and the work to address the climate emergency has to deliver social equity alongside.
“In Glasgow it’s particularly about addressing fuel poverty and it’s about health and well-being and reducing health inequalities – air quality is a big part of that, but is only part of it.”
Click on the video above to watch the full interview or listen to the podcast below.