Coming mobility revolution puts onus on parking assets

Personal mobility is undergoing dramatic change and the pace of change is accelerating, according to parking technology platform ParkBee’s chief investment officer Rutger Schuur.

“I’m convinced that cities will face the biggest transitions in the next 10 years,” Schuur told Real Asset Insight’s Richard Betts during the recent Provada conference in Amsterdam.

“The speed of that process is growing faster and faster so the next thing you will see a massive transition towards more EV company cars, more car sharing and also different usage and different mobility needs.”

ParkBee operates by using technology to maximise the use of underutilised off-street parking. Schuur said that one of the challenges is the need to drive more value to parking spots. “That is the core of our added value for real estate investors,” he said.

One of his principal aims is to get real estate investors to open up their parking assets to ParkBee because, “I am pretty sure we can add a lot of value”.

Click on the video to watch the full interview or listen to the podcast below.
