Better air quality and wellbeing helping hasten return to work

We are still living in uncertain times but there are now glimmers of hope for the return to work as Europe starts to get hold of the vaccines with which to combat covid.

“There is still a great deal of uncertainty but I see movement on a daily basis,” said Jake Jephcott, development director at Gdansk’s Olivia Business Centre. He said that car parks are fuller, people are moving around, the lights are on and people are using meeting rooms.

Talking to Real Asset Insight’s Richard Betts he said that since Chrismas there has been a twofold change. There is more “fatigue” around working from home but people are also feeling a bit more comfortable in the office when there is ample space to utilise.

And business is being done. “We’ve signed deals at Olivia Business Centre and other companies within the group have done some very positive things since Christmas,” he said.

Jephcott explained that Olivia Business Centre was quick to employ new technology and upgrade existing technology when the pandemic hit. “Many Polish companies never left the Olivia business centre during the whole of the pandemic, from the start until today,” he said. “There has always been a contingent of people here.”

But air quality and mental well being have become big topics and Jephcott said he thinks this will continue through 2021.

“Olivia Business Centre has always been a people-focused project from the beginning. But now wellness has come into play and we have a number of projects on the go which will enhance that feeling,” he said.

Click on the video above to watch the full interview or listen to the podcast below.
